Dizzying But Invisible Depth

Jean-Baptiste Queru’s remarkable piece on the sheer amount of abstraction mankind has built to be able to load the Google homepage:

For non-technologists, this is all a black box. That is a great success of technology: all those layers of complexity are entirely hidden and people can use them without even knowing that they exist at all. That is the reason why many people can find computers so frustrating to use: there are so many things that can possibly go wrong that some of them inevitably will, but the complexity goes so deep that it’s impossible for most users to be able to do anything about any error. Dizzying but invisible depth


AMD is Not the Answer

January 16th, 2012

Every so often, we get requests to make Ember.js support AMD (asynchronous module definition). Until today, I had yet to hear anyone articulate why the advantages outweighed the (in my opinion) many disadvantages. Then, James Burke wrote an article called Simplicity and JavaScript modules that has so far done the best job outlining why AMD is good. However, I disagree with many of the assumptions and find many of the arguments outright contradictory. So, while James is both smart and I’m sure good-looking (and I agree with his comments on CommonJS), here are the reasons I think he is wrong about AMD.


Ember.js Resources

February 6th, 2012

I come across a lot of really interesting links related to Ember.js, but often don’t have anywhere useful to put them, or don’t really know how to describe the thread that holds them all together. So here is my linkdump post, which I will update as I remember things, that contains useful stuff for Ember developers.