Ember.js Resources

I come across a lot of really interesting links related to Ember.js, but often don’t have anywhere useful to put them, or don’t really know how to describe the thread that holds them all together. So here is my linkdump post, which I will update as I remember things, that contains useful stuff for Ember developers.

Ember.js Todos

Sample todo application. Particularly useful for its heavily-commented Assetfile. Great starting point if you’d like to know how to use Rake::Pipeline together with Ember.

SproutCore MVC vs. Rails MVC

Written back in the SproutCore 2.0 days, Greg Moeck’s seminal post describes how, despite the same name, Rails’ concept of MVC differs radically from MVC systems like SproutCore, Ember.js, and Cocoa.

Ember Skeleton

Boilerplate for starting a new Ember.js project, using Rake::Pipeline to assemble and serve your files.

Beginning Ember.js on Rails

Dan Gebhart’s three-part tutorial, which eases you gently into using Ember.js with a Rails backend. Resources are loaded with Ember REST, and assets are managed with Rails’ asset pipeline.

Using SproutCore 2.0 with jQuery UI

Yehuda’s article on using jQuery UI with what was then SproutCore 2.0. Note that, if following along with the code samples, there are a few changes that you will need to make that are pointed out in the comments at the bottom. While useful specifically for people wanting to use jQuery UI, the article is more broadly useful as it serves as a template for anyone who wants to write a bridge between Ember.js and non-bindings-aware JavaScript libraries.

More soon…


Dizzying But Invisible Depth

February 4th, 2012

Jean-Baptiste Queru’s remarkable piece on the sheer amount of abstraction mankind has built to be able to load the Google homepage:

For non-technologists, this is all a black box. That is a great success of technology: all those layers of complexity are entirely hidden and people can use them without even knowing that they exist at all. That is the reason why many people can find computers so frustrating to use: there are so many things that can possibly go wrong that some of them inevitably will, but the complexity goes so deep that it’s impossible for most users to be able to do anything about any error. Dizzying but invisible depth


Best Practices Exist for a Reason

April 28th, 2012

If you’ve ever used node.js, you’ve probably also used Isaac Schlueter’s npm, the node package manager. By maintaining a central repository to which authors can quickly publish their JavaScript modules, npm has made it easy to get started building node apps and its popularity has exploded over the past year. Unfortunately, two months ago, the hashed passwords of all npm accounts were leaked. npm uses CouchDB for its backend, and the default security model is to grant administrator access to all databases, but only when connections originate from the same machine. It appears that in this case, the CouchDB server was made accessible to the world over HTTP with the default access settings left in place.